Chapter 89: The Web Planet

You know...when I start a little task, I can go above and beyond. I had posted like 9 reviews tops in the Star Trek Review Blog a long while back...and I just let it sit. Then I put my mind to it, said "oh I can add onto this crap..." and now I am up to season three of Deep Space Nine. I've been rewatching some episodes for refreshing my brain. It's been crazy, that I've gone from 9 posts, to 344 in three weeks or something.

I need to get full time.

I was trying to get a job with the new Apple Store opening here in Akron, but alas they decided to pursue other candidates. Lame. So now I'm back to this one on-call position. At least I'm not totally unemployed, but I do wish they would just forget the on-call thing and make us regular part time. At least Mackenzie and I. the other guy is hardly trained...he never gets scheduled...keep him on-call if you want.

So I am feeling bored as of late, I'm trying to occupy my time, but it is difficult after a while. I've been getting up around 9am, maybe run to the library...ride my bike to the bank...or some other chore. I should probably do my laundry after this weekend...lord.

What a dismal blog this is becoming, when I have to discuss whether or not I may do my laundry soon...

Luckily tomorrow I actually work all day, and in the evening I am heading to BGSU to visit with my Megan all weekend. Thank you whatever higher power you think exists!
