Chapter 106: Patience

I've started a Flixster to write up all my thoughts on the movies I watch...I dunno why, I just think too much and feel the need to write it down somewhere. So on the side now you can see my latest Flixster reviews box, which can lead you to my account there, in case you are interested in my thoughts on movies I just saw, that I probably should of seen years ago.

I've been watching tons of movies lately, which if you follow my twitter than you may have seen my live tweeting of several bad (and occasionally good) movies I watched. The reason for this is that I am pretty much unemployed. Luckily, this week I get to work 4 days, which is great not only for the bank account, but also for my brain, which is going a little mad sitting at home all the time. Hopefully I will also hear back from my employers about setting up an interview for a potential full-time job in Columbus. I really hope this one works out...the last job I interviewed for the guy wouldn't even call me back or shoot me an e-mail to let me know I didn't get it. Common courtesy is apparently out the door for some folks.

Luckily this job would be even better (full-time over part-time), and having not gotten the last job I kept looking and found this good opportunity. I hope that the fact that I currently work for them means I would at least get a little notice that they pass on me. Hopefully they won't though...I'm trying to stay neutral, but I want this job a little more than most jobs I've applied for in recent times (and quite possibly anything else).

All I need is a little patience, and all my hard work will eventually pay off.
