Chapter 100: Things I Would Do With a Time Machine

If I had a time machine, there are several things I would do, most of which would only slightly alter the timeline, but nothing so catastrophic as to cause a temporal paradox that would unmake creation (granted thats just a worst case scenario).

So the first thing I would do, is go back in time and manage the money at Video Theatre a little better, just so it could stay afloat until I can find a real good full time position somewhere...because this factory is bullshit. That store, with all of its tedious crap and nonsense and customers that constantly interrupted Dick Tracy...was a wonderful place to work, that gave me 100 wonderful stories I still tell, and taught me about pron genres I never could've imagined, and had hilarious people to work with. It was, without a doubt, a fun job. Given a choice of spending my life at WVIZ or Video Theatre, I would choose WVIZ any day...but there is part of me that misses not really working and just watching a good movie.

The next thing I would do is travel back to 1963, to England...with a VCR. There I would record all the missing Doctor Who episodes from that era. That way I could shut a lot of people up on the Doctor Who Forum, who constantly bitch about animations. Also it would give Ian Levine a lot less to boast about. Screw that guy.

Next I'll make a stop off in the 1990s, where I will both expose the ponytail as being a really bad idea (the ponytail is the mullet of the 1990s), and convince Warner Bros. to keep Tim Burton on for a third Batman, and convince Tim Burton to totally make the Billy Dee Williams Harvey Dent/Two-Face storyline I still crave. Think about it? Michael Keaton...Billy Dee Williams as a bad ass BLACK Two-Face. like instead the green or purple or just make him WHITE on one he loses skin pigmentation, and he goes BATSHIT! BAT! get it?

Anyhow I would then travel to 2013, where I would have a lengthy talk with Michael Keaton about returning to the role of Batman for a story about an aging Batman, or Batman Beyond where he makes his triumphant return. I love Michael Keaton as Batman!

Then maybe I'd go back to 1993, and kidnap George Lucas, take him to the year 7300, where I will leave him before he can do any of his damage.

Then I'd return back to the present, and watch tons of Doctor Who and Batman and Two-Face, at the video store I work at while I'm just an on-call for WVIZ...and life would be sweet.
