Chapter 40: The Screaming Jungle

I've had a decent weekend so far. Thursday nights I work from 12 to 3, and as soon as my shift was over, I drove home to Akron. I had a orthodontist appointment at 2:30pm on Friday, and I figured it would be better to drive home and sleep in until 1 than risk sleeping in til 1 and be in Toledo...then I'd be screwed. Made it to my appointment, had dinner with my family then headed back on the road to Toledo.

I was exhausted from all the driving and I fell asleep around 11:30, which is the first time I've gone to bed before 4am in a long time. So this morning I awoke at 8:45, first time that's happened in a very long time. Woke up early. Without a reason or alarm. And I felt good. I did my online class assignment for the week, discussed rent with the folks in my apartment complex, went to look at the optical printer...decided to do my project Tuesday. Then I watched cartoons until I worked at 7...where I continued to watch cartoons.

Good day. I've also spent time working on my thoughts and ideas for the future. Sure I say I want to be an editor, and I do...but there is a part of me that wants to create an online conglomerate. I'm creating plans for a website, that will do what Burnstien ended up doing, only better and with a solid point. Burnstien kind of crapped into being an online entity, this project will intentionally be one.

I've got 3 ideas for web based series. One animated series, one live-action sitcom, and a mockumentary series, in a sort of Ken Burns style. These along with my soon to be cleaned up and re uploaded school works will beef up my somewhat skimpy YouTube page.

I'm working on putting together an album as well...but I want to do this right. In the past I've made recordings of my songs in Apple's Garage Band using the in computer microphone. I plan on getting good mics from my dad, and using one of his mixing boards to create a good sound that will be transferred to the computer, cleaned up and mixed together to make a really solid sounding album, I will most likely be working on music videos for my songs "To Impress You" and "Mrs. Butterworth". To promote the album on my YouTube page.

This blog is very much apart of it all too, at the moment it is actually sort of the beginning home base for the operation. So The Shark Tank is at the moment a sort of precursor to what will someday be "Honeyfuggle Industries"...until then...the Tank is home.
